Lee County Property Tax Inquiry
The property information included in this site is available to the general public for inquiry and review purposes only. The information is intended for individual use only. The site is not intended, nor configured, for automated data retrieval. The use of data crawlers, robots and/or similar software programs for the purpose of automated data retrieval is expressly prohibited. Parties interested in acquiring bulk assessment/property characteristic data are advised to contact the Supervisor of Assessment’s office. Parties interested in acquiring bulk tax payment or billing data are advised to contact the Treasurer’s office. They can provide data for a reasonable fee.
You may view and print records for personal use. The information cannot be shared, assigned, sold, leased, or otherwise made available to any other party. You may not copy, photocopy, distribute, sell, market or translate any information from this website without receiving the explicit written permission from Lee County in advance, and then only under the conditions of any such permission. You may not use any of the data advertised on this website for the purpose of displaying it on another internet site without receiving the advance written permission from Lee County, and subject to the terms of any such permission.
Under Illinois State Law, these records are public information. The information published on this website was valid at the time of publication, but is part of a working file which is updated regularly. Information is believed reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Assessed values, exemptions, and other information may be subject to change before being finalized. All information contained herein, including but not limited to assessed values are subject to change by the Assessor, the Board of Review and State Equalization processes. No warranty, expressed or implied, is provided for the data herein or its use. Lee County Government reserves the right to make changes and improvements at any time and without notice, and assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies.
By using this website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to the above conditions.